How to link Centrelink to myGov
STEP 1: Log in to myGov
Once you have logged in to myGov, if linked, your linked Centrelink account should appear:
1. CRN (Customer Reference Number)
If you've claimed a payment before (you have a CRN):You can use your Centrelink Customer Reference Number (CRN) to link Centrelink to myGov.
If you haven't claimed a payment before (do not have a CRN or do not know your CRN):
Proving your identity online
If you don’t know your CRN, you’ll need to prove your identity online, using myGov.
You will need:
- 2x acceptable identity documents and your Medicare card
Please see here about Proving your identity online - how to prove who you are to Centrelink online.
If you are unable to prove your identity online, you may:
Prove your identity over the phone
Call: 132 300
You will need identity documents in the following categories:
- a commencement document to show your birth or arrival in Australia
- a primary document to show the use of your identity in the community
- a secondary document to show the use of your identity in the community.
At least one must be an accepted photo identity document.
Please see here for the difference documents.
We have found that going to Centrelink in person, and requesting that Centrelink link your account, is most effective. Sometimes Centrelink will actually do the linking for you, or alternatively they will provide you with a linking code.
Prove your identity in person
Go in to a service centre.
You will need identity documents in the following categories:
- a commencement document to show your birth or arrival in Australia
- a primary document to show the use of your identity in the community
- a secondary document to show the use of your identity in the community.
At least one must be an accepted photo identity document.
Please see here for the difference documents.
<<Once you have a CRN>> OR <<Once you have a linking code from Centrelink>>>
2. Select view and link services
3. Under 'Link a service', find 'Centrelink' and select 'Link'
Link using either your CRN or linking code.